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|An irrigation method which allowed for crops to be produced year long. |The capitol of Teotihuacan. |Are You Ready?|Were better engineers and builders. |Built a strongly centralized empire. |Specialized more in finance company near me thought. |Questions: 20 Attempts: Last updated: Mar 18, |Both were organized into city-states.

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|It studies the past and how it affects the present. |History gives us a|Questions: 23 Attempts: 87 Last updated: Nov 21, |AP World History Ch. |The world is a big place, and as such, it comes with a rich history of people and places newr have paved the way through centuries and centuries of culture and innovation.

|Questions: 38 Attempts: Last updated: Mar 22, |World History is an what is finance commission topic that confirm.

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|I find your website to be very helpful, especially in explaining the part about daisy chain. |I'm currently in this situation:. |But that circuit breaker which I think controls these bunch of outlets is still ON. |I auto financing these outlets fit the description of Daisy Chained.

|Now I'm trying to article source out how to diagnose that loose connection somewhere without paying crazy money for more info electrician.

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|On by InspectApedia mod - use of the finance company near me "series" is confusing and just furthers the misuse of the term. |Christopher, Thank you for the suggestion on making this topic more clear. |We have reviewed and edited the article above with your advice in mind. |I'm with Don, the use of the term "series" is confusing and just furthers the misuse of the term. |Series and parallel have clear definitions when it comes to electrical circuits.

|Power circuits are wired in parallel, full stop. |I understand that the term "series" is common but I think any educational material should explain at the beginning that this is actually a parallel circuit and then use the continue reading daisy-chain throughout.

|On by InspectApedia mod - the phrase "wired in series" is confusing. |Don, Thanks that's a good suggestion; we'll finance company near me and clarify the text.

|Of course you're perfectly right that some electrical current flows through the devices at least when in use in both series and parallel wiring schematics for electrical receptacles.

|Our article above focuses on the practical implications of the two financing secured methods, and wants readers to understand those: an interruption in still academy of finance and enterprise are wiring of a serial-wired receptacle circuit will cause the downstream devices to lose power while in a parallel-wired design that's not the case.

|Our choice of words and phrases is made in part to be sure that people who search for "parallel electrical outlet wiring" or "in-series electrical receptacle wiring" will find these pages, finance company near me article, and they'll find the discussion familiar.

|Thank you for taking the time to comment - it is helpful. |I've added text and illustrations at the top of this page and we'll welcome your further remarks on this or any other information you find at Inspectapedia. |I don't think it is a good idea to use the term "series" when describing the difference between wiring receptacles using a pig tail versus wiring receptacles using the screw finance company near me on a receptacle, as both methods are technically wiring in parallel.

|I understand that the article is for the untrained Finance company near me, but if the untrained reader takes your series comment and then does some of their own research, they are going to be confused by your choice of words. |Say they take the initiative to Google what is the difference between series and parallel, they are going to be even more confused and more likely to do something wrong when they learn about voltage drop finance company near me everything in their supposed series circuit of receptacles having the same current draw.

|I am not trying to be a troll and point out the obvious, but just offering a thought about cleaning up the language. |If you are visit web page trained electrician, which it sounds like you are, you must know that this terminology is incorrect and misleading.

|Anybody who has taken the most basic circuit theory course or even just studied the NEC or their Ugly's book knows that receptacles are never or almost never wired in series with eachother, as you wouldn't be able to deliver V to downstream receptacles, due to having a voltage drop across each recepMBYtacle that is consuming power along a series connected circuit path like such.

|I actually don't finance company near me there is any practical use for such a circuit in regards to receptacle wiring, but that is why I stated, "never or almost never" when describing how impractical it would be to do such a thing, just to cover my own butt in case there is something out there that I am unaware of where wiring receptacles in series would be useful.

|ANYWAYS, sorry for the link opinion and explanation, but a different choice of words would have given the article a lot more credibility and caused less confusion even for the average DIYer that doesn't touch electric on a day to day basis.

|Just my opinion, but as an electrical engineer and industry professional who has trained many electricians over the course of my 22 year career at my former employer, I am very confident you would be farther ahead using the finance company near me or correct terminology even for the average DIYer. |Like Here said, it is just my opinion. |The rest of the article was decent in explaining when to use a pig tail versus when you may not have room.

|I am not certain if your box fill description was correct, but I would need to look that up to verify if it was and finance company near me not have the time for that now, but stating that using a pigtail versus not using one would be best determined by the size of the box and the number of wires entering and exiting the box, as well as finance company near me size of the in house financing dealerships was a good idea for the untrained DIYer to hear.

|On by mod - a failure in a parallel-wired receptacle doesn't kill power to the downstream devices. |In the article above I have included text that explains that the one finance flows the incoming hot wire through the copper connector on the.

|Receptacle, Through its copper strip, and out the downstream or outgoing terminal and Hot wireand of course the same on the neutral side of the source perhaps I shoot out of illustration or two that make that more evident. |Of course you are right that breaking the or neutral path anywhere in the circuit drops power to the devices downstream.

|The distinction between daisy-chained and in-parallel receptacle wiring is that finance company near me an in-parallel receptacle system a failure at the receptacle itself doesn't kill the rest of the circuit.