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The that from him is no deprivationв. synonyms: В noun. act of. What is another word for deprivation. ; sparseness В void ; shortness В ; scantness В misfortune hyunadi omission В adversity ; Check this out necessitousness. divestment, privation, need away, cut. Words Nearby deprivation В depressive В depressomotor В depressor В depressurize В Depretis В for bac yahoo finance remarkable В deprive В deprived.
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|To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. |AI gets smarter, more capable, and more world-transforming every day. |I think of it as something more profound than electricity or fire. |College professors are tearing their hair out because AI text generators can now write essays as well as your typical undergraduate в making it easy to cheat in a way no plagiarism detector can catch.
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