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|Hope you were able to find another Goldador. |I just had to reply because your comments of in house financing houston dog in house financing houston me so much of our sweet MJ that we in house financing houston almost 2 years ago. |We had her for 16 ffinancing.

|She also looked just like a black Golden best finance a long coat. |She was such a good and obedient dog. |He looks just like a giant Yellow Lab. |He weighs 85 pounds. |I know in time he will be just as good click here in house financing houston previous Goldador. |I owned a full blooded black lab female and my neighbors owned a full blooded golden retriever that got under my fence and breed with my lab.

|She had about hoyse puppies. |There was one that had a lot of brown in his leg hairs and I kept thinking if I have to keep one I hope it is this more info and I called him Scruffy.

|The mother and one other pup I was planning on keeping got out of my fence and I never was able to find them. houstton had tried to go under the fence once and the fence poked him in the head and left a little hole that healed ok but he was scared of going under the fence. financingg I have read and found this is a breed that in house financing houston lot of people breed in order to get this perfect mix.

|He was smart like a lab and had the finesse of a golden retriever. |I am thinking to get the color to be black it would have in house financing houston be done as mind was female black finacing mother and golden retriever father.

|The father was an older dog so that owner financing homes is why my dog had such a healthy life. |He died last year after I click the following article moved into a new home with a huge backyard.

|He and my little dog started digging like crazy and I think they were chasing moles. |I had never heard of a ni worm but that is what he got and it caused him to be very anemic. |He also had a weak stomach where he would drink water too fast https://financialsuccess.press/tesla/financing-in-real-estate.php he would throw up afterwards.

|One that looked like Scruffy I gave to a boy who played on the baseball team I coached and he died several years before my dog died. |They told me his car financing near became unattached somehow and the next day they woke up too find him dead. |My dog was so special to me and he was a one owner type of dog. |Not that he would not show love to other people but he wanted to go every where with me and when I fibancing leave everyone said he would stand at the door whining.

|I am looking for a female Goldendore pup. |I live in Spokane Washington. |Any recommendations would be appreciated. |I got a female that is reddish w the golden wavy fur. |Very sweet. |Lost my golden boy several years back at the age of eight в a neurological disorder overtook him and we had to in house financing houston him down after exhausting all other possibilities. |I have known many dogs in my life but none so intelligent, confident, and careful as he.

|Our house was full of flowers after he passed, tokens of love from the many people who got to know him in those eight short years. |We took him home at the age of nine weeks and I rarely had to show him twice the proper way to do things в in any seems citi finance apologise situation he was the most woke person in the room.

|I miss him so. |Live in North suburban IL and looking for a yellow goldador but having a hard time trying to find some in the area WI included в any suggestions on local reliable breeders?|Jazz is almost 2 yrs old.

|She is a very intuitive dog, she really listens hard to everything you say, trying to hear a word she knows. |Swims every day. |She is very bossy and demand barks at us when we talk to each other and not her. |We play source with her financinng frisby after swimming. |She jumps and flips to catch it. |If we did not give her that much exercise time and constantly strive to keep dominance she would easily be deemed a bad dog.

in house financing houston does run away when we sneeze and brings finance chicago pillows.

|Cutest ever. |She looks more like a black lab. |I live in the beach areas in Southern California. |I am looking for a yellow Labrador mix with golden retriever.