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|Is Hoover's bestselling status deserved?|And perhaps more importantly, is it responsible for Hoover to write books like this?|And would Colleen Hoover be forgiven for writing controversial material if she could at least, well, write it well?|But the more I consider the reasons people love Colleen Hoover and the reasons people loathe her, I realize the issue is more nuanced than Best auto financing bad credit first thought.
|Sure, Colleen Hoover's books have ridiculous storylines and her characters have even more ludicrous named Lily Bloom, the main character in It Ends With Us, owns a flower shop?|And yes, she has written some lines that are cringe-worthy, especially when taken out of context; however, I best auto financing bad credit that's best auto financing bad credit of the appeal for Colleen Hoover fans.
|And for those who worry about the books romanticizing abusive and problematic relationships, it seems like these wild details remove the books from reality to some extent. |Does anyone read Colleen Hoover and really think this is how relationships should work?|Or want a romance like these?|Many reviewers say they are concerned about what the depictions of abuse will do best auto financing bad credit impressionable young women readers.
|And yet there seems to be no evidence that Colleen Hoover readers are looking to replicate those stories in their own lives. |Reviews that suggest they are imagine that these click here women are unable to separate the world of Hoover's books from reality.
|While I do understand the Article source Hoover defenders, those who critique her have valid points as well.
|For instance, this reviewer points out that Colleen Hoover books " promote terrible ideas for women and self-worth. |And I was also surprised by the lack of support these women have from other women in their lives. |And like this Ms. |Magazine reviewerI was also concerned by Hoover's portrayal of abuse and toxic masculinity.
|Even if readers aren't actively looking best auto financing bad credit recreate these stories in real life, I'm concerned that so many people find these stories appealing. |And I can see why it's frustrating for many that Colleen Hoover is raking in the money while other authors, with stronger female characters and healthier depictions of relationships, struggle. |One thing is for sure, though. |No matter how you personally feel about Colleen Hoover, she does have the internet talking.
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