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|Preferred concentrations include business and finance, though not necessarily required. |Many investment consultants have a master's degree, typically an MBA.

|MEВInvestment consultants are required to hold Series 7 and Series 63 licenses, which involve passing those exams. |For an entry-level position, not much experience is required; however, to move up the corporate ladder, individuals will need to have significant on-the-job experience.

|What is considered a good job will vary depending on the individual, but an investment consultant position provides many benefits that many jobs do not. |An investment consultant comes with the job satisfaction of helping others achieve their financial goals. |The salary potential is very high and often without caps depending on how much business one does.

|The hours can be flexible depending on this web page an investment consultant would like to structure their day, which would include meeting clients and making investment plans and choices.

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|Table of Contents Expand. |Table of Contents. |What Is an Investment Consultant?|What They Do. |Experience and Pay. |Choosing an Investment Consultant. |Investment Consultant FAQs. |Trending Videos. |Key Takeaways An investment consultant helps clients formulate and put into place investment strategies as well as construct and maintain their portfolios. |As with what cars are offering zero percent financing financial advisors, investment consultants actively monitor their client's investments and work with them as their financial objectives change over time to adjust their holdings.

|The job market for personal financial consultants is poised to grow in the next decade |Becoming an investment consultant typically requires a college degree what cars are offering zero percent financing some work experience. |Professional investment consultants must also be properly licensed to advise clients. |Article Sources. |Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. |These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.

|We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. |You can learn more about the what cars are offering zero percent financing we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.

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