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|One of the key factors to be considered with insulin therapy is the need to achieve a balance between maintaining good glycemic control and minimizing the risk of hypoglycemic episodes. |Pooled analyses of studies involving insulin glargine or insulin lispro showed that these agents provided similar levels planning finance efficacy and safety in elderly and young patients.
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|Can Med Assoc J. |Abel JJ. |Crystalline insulin. |Review of insulin and its analogues in diabetes mellitus. |J Basic Clin Pharm. |Human insulin produced by recombinant DNA technology: safety and hypoglycaemic potency in healthy men.
|Borgono CA, Zinman Planning finance. |Insulins: past, present, and future. link Metab Planning finance N Am.
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|Towards more physiological insulin therapy in the s. |A comment. |Diabetes Res Clin Pract. |Hirsch IB. click to see more analogues. |N Engl J Med. |Vajo Z, Duckworth WC. |Genetically engineered insulin analogs: diabetes in the new planning finance. |Pharmacol Rev. |Tibaldi JM. |Evolution of insulin: from human to analog. |Am J Med. |Basal plus basal-bolus approach in type 2 diabetes. |Diabetes Technol Ther.
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|Wallia A, Molitch ME. |Insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes planning finance. |Holleman F, Hoekstra JB. |Insulin lispro. |The structure of 2Zn pig insulin crystals at 1. |Altering the association properties of insulin by amino acid replacement. |Protein Eng. |Modifications link the B10 and B regions of the B planning finance of human insulin alter affinity for the human IGF-I planning finance more than for the insulin receptor.
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