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|Sorry I disgress. |It is just an interesting find from my community. |All that being said, I know the price is ridiculously cheap when yahoo finance convert to USD but Yahoo finance don't think I will ever willing to pay more than 2k for a homebreed toy poodle, unless they can proof that the puppy has strong bloodline.
|Lily Tbh I find it ridiculous to pay more than 2k for a toy poodle, unless they have MKA cert and is health checked. |Any time a breeder is selling like this, you can be certain they're just in it for the money.
|I think it's a bit hard because we're not comparing apples yahoo finance apples here. |Breeders like https://financialsuccess.press/personal-finance/lincoln-finance.php still won't make auto finance nissan money from selling pups because they put so much money in.
|It isn't unusual for breeders to price pups differently based on color and sex, but it does tell you what kind of breeder they are. |If you base prices on yahoo finance, then you are breeding to make money off of that demand and not because you love the dogs.
|The color of the pup does not affect how much time and money the breeder puts yahoo finance that pup, so the price should not differ.
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